
Configuration using built-in web-server


Configuration using command-line-interface on serial terminal or TCP port 7777 terminal
'config' sets or gets options. Use: config option=value ...; to set. Use: config option=? ...; to get, if supported

cu=(ID|auto|?)     6-digit hex ID of Central-Unit. auto: capture ID
rtc=(ISO_TIME|?)   set local time if NTP not working
network=(wlan|ap|lan) ap opens wlan access-point at (restart required)
ntp-server=(gateway|dhcp|IP4ADDR|NAME) default: gateway
mqtt-enable=(0|1)  enable MQTT
mqtt-url=URL       broker/server URL (e.g. mqtt://
mqtt-user=NAME     user name on server
mqtt-password=PW   user password on server
mqtt-client-id=ID  default: tfmcu
mqtt-root-topic=TOPIC default: tfmcu
http-enable=(0|1)  enable HTTP
http-user=NAME     user name on server
http-password=PW   user password on server
tz=(POSIX_TZ|?)    time zone for RTC/NTP
astro-correction   modifies astro table: 0=average, 1=bright 2=dark
verbose=(0..5|?)   diagnose output verbosity level
set-pw=password    set a config password. if set every config commands needs the pw option
pw=PW              example: config pw=my_passw dst=eu;
restart            restart MCU
gpioN=(d|i|o|O|q|Q|?)(h|l|m) Set gpio as pin for input (i) output (O), open drain output (o) or input/output (q,Q).
                   Add suffix to input to enable pull up (h), pull down (l), pull up/down (m)
                   Add suffix (h|l) to output to set the initial level high or low at restart
                   Disable gpio (d)
                   Example: config gpio19=ol gpio18=ih gpio20=qh gpio21=d;
rf-tx-pin=N        RF output GPIO pin
rf-rx-pin=N        RF input GPIO pin
set-button-pin     Set-button input GPIO pin

Configuration using FHEM homeserver module from tronferno-fhem

Configuration using from tronferno-mcu-bin

Configuration using Tronferno Android App from tronferno-andro