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  1. Start menutool (./ on Linux, .\menutool.cmd on Windows) from main directory. It will show you a text based menu.

Tronferno MCU Flash Assistant
[s] Save  [X] Exit [L] Language

1) Connect to the Microcontroller:
    [i] Search ports for chip
    [I] Print info about chip (esp32@/dev/ttyUSB1):
    [f] Configure serial port and more
    [t] Open MiniTerm serial terminal

2) Flash the Microcontroller (esp32@/dev/ttyUSB1):
    [E] Erase flash. This wipes all data/firmware on the device
    [w] Write firmware to flash

3) Connect the Microcontroller to Network
    [c] Configure tronferno-mcu options like WLAN and MQTT login data
    [o] Write tronferno-mcu options to chip via serial port (do this *after* flashing the firwmware)

4) Access the builtin webserver: IP-Address:, Hostname: tronferno
    [a] Get IP address from chip
   URLs: -or-

1) * Connect the microcontroller via USB * Press ‘i’ to find the correct port * Press ‘f’ to configure the serial port

Hint: On Windows, you may need to install the virtual com-port-driver for the specific USB chip used on the microcontroller board. Use Windows-DeviceManager to find out which driver you need.

Press key to choose menu item:

 [y] apply changes and leave menu
 [X] discard changes and leave menu

 [a] chip (esp8266)
 [b] flash-size (detect)
 [c] serial-baud (115200)
 [d] serial-port (/dev/ttyUSB0)

Enter value for chip (esp8266): ...esp32

2) * If you want to erase the chip, press ‘e’ * Press ‘w’ to write the firmware to chip * Press ‘c’ to configure WLAN, HTTP and MQTT login data. (Note: MQTT can also be configured later from Web-Interface, once WLAN is configured and HTTP enabled)

Press key to choose menu item:

 [y] apply changes and leave menu
 [X] discard changes and leave menu

 [a] wlan-password (xxx)
 [b] wlan-ssid (xxx)
 [c] http-enable (1)
 [d] http-user ()
 [e] http-password ()
 [f] mqtt-enable (1)
 [g] mqtt-url (mqtt://
 [h] mqtt-user (xxx)
 [i] mqtt-password (xxx)

3) Press ‘o’ to write WLAN and MQTT login data to the chip.

4) Press ‘a’ to read the IP address from the microcontroller and use a webrowser to connect to it.