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MQTT Client

MQTT Topics you can send to:

       tfmcu/23/cmd       # member 3 of group 2
       tfmcu/102030/cmd   # 6 digit hex-ID
       tfmcu/8090a023/cmd # 6 digit hex-ID + group + member


     FHEM Set-List Entries:
        stop tfmcu/25/cmd $EVENT      # topic: 'tfmcu/25/cmd' data: 'stop'. Stops shutter 5 of group 2.
        down tfmcu/101234/cmd $EVENT  # topic: 'tfmcu/101234/cmd' data: 'down'. Move down shutters paired with controller 101234.
        up tfmcu/25/cmd $EVENT        # topic: 'tfmcu/10/cmd' data: 'up'.  Move up all shutters of group 1.
        up tfmcu/25/cmd $EVENT        # topic: 'tfmcu/00/cmd' data: 'up'.  Move up all shutters of all groups.
      topic: tfmcu/15/pct data: 33   # set member 5 of group 1 to 33%
      topic: tfmcu/15/pct data: ?    # Current percentage will be published at topic tfmcu/15/pct_out
      topic: tfmcu/cli
         data: config all=?
         data: {"config":{"all":"?"}}
         data: cli mcu version=full
         data: {"mcu":{"version":"full"}}

     FHEM setlist:
       cli tfmcu/cli $EVENT          # data: 'config all=?'. This would send $EVENT 'cli config all=?', but the 'cli ' will be ignored.
       config tfmcu/cli $EVENT       # data: 'all=?'. This would send $EVENT 'config all=?'

      topic: tfmcu/gpo/22/level data: 1   # Set pin to level 1 (High)
      topic: tfmcu/gpo/22/level data: ?   # Current pin-level will be published at topic tfmcu/gpi/22/level

MQTT Topics you can subscribe to:


Defining a shutter device with FHEM MQTT2_Device
defmod Rollo_25 MQTT2_DEVICE Rollo
attr Rollo_25 IODev mqtts
attr Rollo_25 autocreate 0
attr Rollo_25 readingList Rollo:tfmcu/status:.* status\
Rollo:tfmcu/25/pct_out:.* state
attr Rollo_25 room Tronferno
attr Rollo_25 setList stop:noArg tfmcu/25/cmd stop\
up:noArg tfmcu/25/cmd up\
down:noArg tfmcu/25/cmd down\
sun-down:noArg tfmcu/25/cmd sun-down\
pct:slider,0,5,100  tfmcu/25/pct $EVTPART1\
sun-auto:1,0 tfmcu/cli auto g=2 m=2 f=k  sun-auto=$EVTPART1
attr Rollo_25 webCmd up:stop:down:sun-down:pct
